

This is going to be a short short update...literally.

I've been a bit busy, lately, but it's all worth it!

As promised, I'd let you all know about getting the promotion...and I did! I'm now that Bargain Lead at B&N, Evanston! I have a lot more responsibility, more pay, more hours and more fun :- ).

In other news, we all went and saw Shortbus about a week ago. It was the most amazing thing. Literally. I'm going again tonight with Julie, if anyone wants to come along! It seriously blew anything I've ever seen out of the water. John Cameron Mitchell is an incredible person for making this film. The cast is unbelieveable, and they too were amazing for creating such a wonderful story.



Julie's altering a winter coat for me as I knit her a scarf -- both for free -- so I'm excited by that! I love that she made the offer ;-).

I added a new banner ----->
It says "Go Mad" and it's a link to Caleb Kane's site for his EP. One might remember in 1992, when he was "Brad" Kane....this singing voice of Aladdin! His site previews his tracks and I gotta tell you [and not because he's Aladdin...] it's pretty damn good. He's a great writer, doesn't seem weird and too "artistc" about it [like miss J.Lo.Hewitt], and they sound amazing!


And that's all I have for now, chick-a-peas...



Da Do Run Run

After watching our pals run the Chicago Marathon yesterday, Chris suggested that I try running it next year. I thought to myself "sure...I'll do that...."

But now I feel a little differently about it. I decided that I'm not doing enough to benefit my health or my personal goals, so it's now a goal of mine to participate in a marathon. Not necessarily the next one Chicago holds, but at some point in my life -- I'll do it.

Ellen [DeGeneres] has been a constant advocate for creating Life Lists. I have to agree with her views. She feels that once it's written down on a piece of paper, you are more likely to complete the task for the satisfaction of crossing it off the list. People hand write their lists, laminate them, create Excel sheets for them...and everyone everywhere is constantly crossing off completed goals.

I thought this was a cute idea, at first, and something I'd never see myself doing. Now, I think it's a pretty admirable deal. I've created a life list, one that I intend to maintain and complete. Luckily, I'm only hand-writing mine, so I can always add on when I feel inclined.

For those not familiar with the concept: Create a list of accomplishments that you have always wanted to do or have great interest in. It can be two ideas long; it can be 900 ideas long. The point is to cross off these accomplishments throughout the course of your lifetime. There is no time limit. There is no age limit. No one else is responsible for crossing off your accomplishments [though they sure can help!].

I'm not saying that you, dearest reader, are required to do this...but give it a thought. I'm only 5 ideas strong right now, but one day I hope my lists will be infinite.

This is all I really have to update with at the time. Sorry if it's a little bland!

A BIG congratulations to my friend Andrew for completing the Chicago Marathon yesterday, as well as everyone who participated in the event [workers/volunteers too]. It was a blast, and I can't wait to get started!


Look I Made Some Crap

Ahhh...if anyone is familiar with Sunday in the Park...the title is syllabically referencing Finishing the Hat. Or is it pentameter? Lord knows.

So I made some objects on the CafePress, started a little store and I'm hoping that I can actually get the nerve to buy them! I love the tote bags [as feminine as they seem], because they seem rather large for their price, and would be big enough to hold all my knitting projects or other works of art! Contact me if you're interested in seeing what they look like so far...

I think i'm 100% serious about starting up a knitting group at work. I just don't know that I want to set it up alone. Any takers? Of course we would start off with simple projects like "How to knit," "How to Purl," "How to Make a Scarf," and, if I can ever figure it out, "How to Make a Hat."

On to that subject. I made my first attempt tonight, using circular needles as prescribed by Franklin, to make the hat he has featured on his website. Sadly, I goofed up and now there's a gigantor twist in it, making it un-wearable. I'm going to double check with him that it is, in fact, a thing which cannot be fixed before unraveling it all and starting fresh.

I must say that I'm rather proud of myself, aside from the fact I screwed up. Pun intended. With this project, alone, I'm making my first cabled piece, my first knitting in the round piece, and my first hat! So many firsts, no wonder I messed up, right? Luckily it goes pretty quickly -- I made it through 3 cable twists in only 4 hours. Not too too shabby for a beginner, right? RIGHT?!? [Basically...21 rows at 105 stitches per row.]

Emily, if you read this, darling, I'm sure you'd love to do this type of project! It's just a step up from what we were doing before! I'll have to show you sometime. Especially after I learn how to finish the darn thing! That is, of course, when you have the time. Wink!

As far as the whole interview and promotion thing. Let's just say that they're narrowing it all down and we should here the results soon. I mean sooooon. I believe an announcement is being made by the start of next week. Cross your fingers and dot your i's! After all...eight people interviewed [why do I always start typing audition/ed?] for three positions. You do the math.

I'll update with the reults as soon as they're found out! Good luck to the other seven, who ever you are! [I think I only know three others...who were the other others? WHO? -- let's just save that for CSI: Miami to solve.]

For now, I head to bed. As you can see, it's past midnight in my time zone [can you see that? did I set up the blog with the timestamp?] and I have to be up in less than five hours. Then I throw in a shift from 7A-3P at ye olde B&N, then Chris and I head to dinner with Alex at El Gordo before he leaves for Texas next week. Then it's back to ye olde knitting mill. Friday, I hope to head to Steak 'n Shake -- anyone interested? Contact me!

And, again, let me know if you're interested in seeing my tote bag designs! I happen to think they're stellar and really marketable! I just need to work them into my budget! [I believe they're 12.99 + 5.00 s&h]


K2*, P2*

Sorry for the lack of update. Unfortunately, I've come to a point where I felt as though nothing interesting was happening, and didn't think it'd be glamourous to post about that nothingness.

Luckily for you, loyal, I've decided that enough has been happening to at least give a little insight!

I've interviewed for a new position at B&N a week ago, after a month of being told I'd already been slated for the position. I was told last Friday that I'd know by the 10th oth 11th. Unfortunately there was no decision made, more interviews were held, and now it appears that I could get the news tomorrow [or Monday] about the promotion. If I don't get it, it's not going to bother me -- I've got my eyes open for a second job somewhere. I'll let you know more about that soon!

In other news: my dear friend Julie and I spent Monday at a thrift store, watching movies, and hanging out with her co-workers at a cute wine bar named VOLO. It was spectacular service, everyone was incredibly friendly, the deal we got on the entrées was much appreciated, and nothing in the world beats Monday Night Bottle of Wine at 1/2 Price Night. Night. As I mentioned, we went thrifting for winter coats [we went to a small university with a small campus and tunnels connecting the buildings] and Julie mentioned that if we just find coats for ourselves, she'd be more than glad to alter them to fit. She knows a little tailoring and quite a bit about fashion -- as fashion design was her major. Lucky break? You bet! I loves me Julie!

In recent news: I learned to purl about a week ago! "What is purling?" you ask. Well. Basically. It's a really essential piece of knitting that allows you to make ribs or work with cables. How I went 5 years without knowlege of purling, I'll never know [and never forgive myself]. But, I've done learned it! I made a scarf, forgot that when one knits and purls they end up with half the width they would have it it was just a straight knit or purl job. So I gave it away to a co-worker -- and she lurved it! I then went on to learn the cable knit and I can't wait to start a project with my new found knowledge!

Common known fact: I tend to just give scarves away. I suppose it's because I know I can always make another if I just apply myself. I think now that I'm getting to know more and more about knitting, it'll be harder for me to give my projects away. For your sake, let's assume if I have enough back stock, I'll be more than happy to let go. :-)

What a horrible paragraph that was.

Forward, ho! I met a charming gentleman in the store today who was wearing this incredible hat, featuring a cable knit pattern. Of course I just had to ask where he got it. Happily he replied that he made it on his own and told me that if I were to grab pen and paper he would give me a web address to his blog where he talks about not only that particular pattern, but other interesting bits of information about knitting and gatherings and whatnot.

Please check out his website: http://the-panopticon.blogspot.com/

From what I've read on his page, I know it's something I'm going to continually read. He's got a great sense of humor and dedicates every entry to knitting. I'll be taking a listen to his podcast and let hopefully add a link to that as time goes by! He's got great amounts of information which makes me want to delve hardcore into the world of knitting. I mean...five years of only making scarves because I'm too afraid of investing time into something I may very well mess up is getting stale. Now that college is overwith, I have a little more free time to sit and relax, which I desperately need.

After all, knitting is my best relaxation technique. I'm not sure that I'd be able to join the group he's holding on the 4th, but I know I'd like to start some sort of beginner's knitting group with friends and co-workers...a group where we can all ask each other questions but not feel as dumb as we would in a room of experienced peoples. If interested, or if you'd like to help me start something up, let me know!

Perchance, if I play my cards right, I can ask aforementioned knitting customer to be a mentor in the world of yarn and needles.

Who knows?

[I believe] He's organized a wonderful program where on Nov. 4 where they'll be gathering to knit from Noon to 6P to benefit the Dulaan Project. The Dulaan Project is established to gather warm clothing made by knitters and fleece blankets [which are terribly simple to make] to send to the children and adults in desperate need of something to take the edge off the harsh weather of Mongolia.

Dulaan, in Mongolian, is the word for warm.

The button in the "Sites to See" on the right leads to a .pdf flyer about the project and what you can do to help out! I believe there's information within the flyer about the gathering[s] that are trying to get 10,000 items to send!

So, it seems this post turned out to be a lot longer than expected. Sorry for that. When I kick myself into more frequent posts, I guarantee they'll be considerably shorter and more to the point. Forgive the rambling, I worked an 8 hour shift [from 7A-3P] on 2 hours of sleep. I know that when I become less of a zombie I'll read over this and want to edit it. But for you, faithful readers, I'll leave it as it is.

Until next time!

Post Script: SERIOUSLY. Check out the two links I posted. I'll be adding a link to the mentioned blogger shortly.