
New Book, New Layout

I started reading a new book this morning:

You can now check out what I've read over there, to the right ----->

It's a montage of 200 books I've read and listed on Goodreads.com...Pretty sweet, yes?

I've also updated the look and layout of the blog, nothing drastic, just to freshen things up. Let me know what you think!

Hope all is well, and I'll update soon [I WILL!]


Here's what we did today.

We watched the film:

After seeing this film and reading some of the books we've all heard about [Eating Animals, Fast Food Nation, I've decided that I need to stop being lazy about my food. It's time.

Here's what you can do. See this film, learn more about where your food comes from, how/if it's farmed and how the animals are treated.

Something else you can do:

Sign this petition. Let's get healthy food in our schools.

You can also visit these sites for more information about the film and any organizations they recommend:

The latter lead me to this great site, which allows you to find products from the progressive, small farmers based on your ZIP Code:

Make a pledge to yourself for the New Year/Decade. Being healthy is a great gift!


One's in the Works: A Teaser, if you will

I'm working on getting more and more inspired to blog again. Make that: blog regularly.

This post is just to start the countdown: 1 Month until I'm officially on the latter half of my 20's. I'm literally tipping over to my late 20's....just need to get that out there.

It's out there.

A new post is in the works, so hold tight to your britches, chickens!

To keep you in the know...

I'm currently reading:

And I'm currently listening to [Non-Stop]: