
About time...

It's about time, right? It's only been...what...4 months since my last post?

I know, I know.

"What's new?" you're asking....well, quite a bit. But I won't be able to tell you all of it, because I can't. You should know, already, anyway.

Some highlights, however, include: Seeing The Light in the Piazza [Edited for FOOLISH content], taking on a new show for 'fun,' and spending time relaxing and enjoying the summer.

[Edited for FOOLISH content] People may ask "how does that make things with you and Chris?" Well. It hasn't caused a problem yet. I don't know what his true feelings are about the situation, but here are mine: I think we're doing better now, as roommates and friends, then when we were in a relationship. He's got something planned for himself next year, something rather exciting, and I hope it works out for him! We've not fought in quite a while, and I don't feel the need to know exactly what he's doing with himself each night, where he goes...that sort of thing.

You know.

The musical was amazing to see live. I have the taped version of a live performance [surprisingly NOT a bootleg] and I love it, but there's something about being in a live place and hearing everything in person that just makes the evening magical.

Speaking of musicals, I've been getting a kick out of Grey Gardens. Yes, it's closed. No I didn't see it. But I have the documentary it's based off of, and I think it's a brilliant piece. I can't imagine how good the show was, but everyone that I've talked with just loved it. London's lucky to receive something so wonderful. Or do they say 'wondreful?'

The world may never know.

London will, of course.

I've taken on a role in a benefit production of Godspell at a local church. It's weird, because I feel like I was supposed to take it on. For a few weeks I'd been commenting to a friend that as we were walking down the street, I felt like we were in a scene of the movie. People would be wearing goofy clothes, have odd hair, and be gathered around a soup bus. And on a Wednesday a few weeks back, I was walking home from the store, after a long day's work, and got the most overwhelming need to sit in a church. Any church. One that was open. Sadly, I didn't act on that. But the very next morning is when I received a call from someone looking for a replacement. The fun thing is is that it will be performed in a church!

What're the odds?

3:1? I don't know...I'm horrible at Keno.

Anyway...rehearsals are underway, and I'm having mixed feelings about it. I like where the show is going, I'm just not happy with the process at this time. I know the end product will be just fine, though! We'll see how the next few weeks go, though. It's just one weekend in September...and I'm learning very valuable life lessons!

3, 2, 1

And we're here to talk about the summer and different things. Well...there's been bowling, beaches, Moody's people leaving for London [love you Jweber!], friends are starting to get married...and of course...filming!

That's right, folks....someone actually captured this sorry soul on film. Yoni, a good friend and avid reader has put something brilliant on film, and I'm sure he'll start editing soon!

I'll keep you posted!

I've got more to say. But I don't want to share it now...my eyes are tired...it's been a long week. Let's just sum it up...what's today? Thursday, officially? Ok. Sunday: I don't remember; Monday: Hoo-da-ha followed by the [Adult] Hoo-dee-ha followed by a sleep over at Brian's; Tuesday: 3 AG shows, post Hoo-dee-ha [tearing my voice apart], then vocal rehearsal for the Gspell; Wednesday: Got called in for the 12.30 show...Brian's car needs repair [he was able to bike in for the 2 o'clock and 4.30 shows...so it was all good! And good to see him again!]

Tonight, I have rehearsal...and then...who knows...I might freak out or something!

Anywho...this wasa brief update...I'll try to stay more in touch!


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