
I took a trip on the Guilt Line

I often am known for making people seem more fantastic than they actually are. I often take a look at someone and immediately feel an emotion about them, then start making up a background for them and then what brought them to their current state in life. It only takes a second for all this to happen, and I often walk away upset or sullen by what my mind has created.

The best place for me to do this, of course, is on the L. I don't really feel anything about the people on the train with me, other than pure annoyance...it's the people we pass walking along the street, or standing alone in a parking lot, looking for their car. It's the old women standing at the bus stop wearing their little plastic rain caps as the sky pours out another three gallons of cold, sharp rain upon them.

The lone tree in an open field.

Odd things make me tear up a little each day. Today, it was a seagull standing ontop of a lamp post in the parking lot of Truman College, just West of the Wilson stop. I don't know what causes this phenom. Could it be that I'm over sensitive? Could it be that I just pay far too much attention to detail?

Why is it that I detest seeing older people riding the train by themselves? They always look so sad and lonely. Unfortunately, I don't have the nerve to go over and talk with them...to make them, at least, feel wanted for five minutes.

Again, I don't have the courage to be so forward and I often feel guilty.

I don't know of anyone else that is full of this empathy, and then I'm left to wonder...is someone looking at me, from a train, and feeling sorry for me?


Mr. Bar Tender...Another Round!

I've done this before on other sites, and I might as well give it a try here...

What books should I read? Leave a comment below of an amazing read...something I can't go without.

I picked up a copy of To Kill a Mockingbird the other day and I'm loving it already, and I have a list of things I'd like to read soon....but I'd really like to get some outside opinions on this. So write away!

[The advantage being that I work in a bookstore...and I can get ahold of pretty much anything!]


Sweet Madame Butterfly, I've made the change!

No...I didn't chop off my willy in hopes of making THAT sort of change, sick freak.

I was finally able to switch my blog over to the beta version which, for some reason, seemed to take forever to do.

Hopefully this switch will allow me to easily post and more frequently so you, my loyal reader, may be caught up on such wonderful things in my life.

As of now, I don't really have anything to post - other than I'm hoping to move up on the ladder at the BN.

Be sure to check out the neat-o links on the side --->
you're going to love them, I swear!

Until next time...