

This is going to be a short short update...literally.

I've been a bit busy, lately, but it's all worth it!

As promised, I'd let you all know about getting the promotion...and I did! I'm now that Bargain Lead at B&N, Evanston! I have a lot more responsibility, more pay, more hours and more fun :- ).

In other news, we all went and saw Shortbus about a week ago. It was the most amazing thing. Literally. I'm going again tonight with Julie, if anyone wants to come along! It seriously blew anything I've ever seen out of the water. John Cameron Mitchell is an incredible person for making this film. The cast is unbelieveable, and they too were amazing for creating such a wonderful story.



Julie's altering a winter coat for me as I knit her a scarf -- both for free -- so I'm excited by that! I love that she made the offer ;-).

I added a new banner ----->
It says "Go Mad" and it's a link to Caleb Kane's site for his EP. One might remember in 1992, when he was "Brad" Kane....this singing voice of Aladdin! His site previews his tracks and I gotta tell you [and not because he's Aladdin...] it's pretty damn good. He's a great writer, doesn't seem weird and too "artistc" about it [like miss J.Lo.Hewitt], and they sound amazing!


And that's all I have for now, chick-a-peas...


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