In my first entry I mentioned that I was copying Elaine. WELL - let's just say I'm apparently copying her too much.
Yesterday afternoon, the 25th, I was in a car accident.
"What?! NO! Can't BE..are you ok?!"
Yes. Yes, I am. Someone ran a light, I ended up close behind them [as I had the right of way] and couldn't slow down. They thought I was tailing them so they, in their truck, slammed on the brakes - I slammed on mine - and I collided with their back end.
I'm ok - The Saturn, however is not. She was towed to a place. I never even named her. In two days, the adjuster will be talking with me to see how things go. We're praying that Saturn, Nameless will not be totalled - it would be horrible to not get it repaired.
Said other driver got out of his truck, and explained to me and two police officers that I was tailing him and he slammed on his brakes. Nothing was in his path. I held my tongue when the kid said it to me - I say kid loosely, as he was 18 years old - knowing that the person who causes the accident is usually held liable. It made me wonder, because the situation was detailed in Driver's Ed - Don't slam on your breaks hoping someone will run into're the liable one, it doesn't matter if the other driver was following too close. At least when I was in Driver's Ed, this was made clear.
The kicker in this situation: I was on my way home from the Saturn Dealership where they performed $500 worth of maintenance on the car, replacing a serpentine belt and the oil. Yeah. Ouch.
All-in-all, I walked away only with the accident report, no citation or warning. The kid: I'm not too sure. There was talk of charging him with wreckless driving, taking his license, issuing him a ticket, all or none of the above.
I regret that I wasn't able to attend Alli's party that evening. I regret to inform that I won't be arriving in Chicago for quite some time [I had planned this weekend] - it all depends on the car, any assesment, any repair.
Next on the list, according to my Elaine schedule...being pick-pocketed. Let's cross our fingers, ladies and gents - I don't want this one to happen.
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