

Ok...though I can't always update in a timely fashion...I'd like to make this post. I really have started enjoying Brian Sharpe's music. He's a fantastic man, and his voice is incredible. Seriously check him out...I like him so much that I'm putting his banner not only on the side...but here at the end of this post.

Trust me, take a click and check out a few of his songs! [I'm not plugging him because I've met and worked a little with him...I'm plugging because it's something that should be heard by everyone].

This banner will always be located here, on the side, under "Sites to See" -------->


Shame shame you know my name...

Alright, Chickens.

I PROMISE I'll update soon! A LOT has been happening since the start of the year, and I haven't had a free minute to sit down and fill y'all in!

I hope you had a wonderful Holiday and a great beginning for 2007!

I'm going to TRY to update this week -- I swear!